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Exhibitions Department:Close Encounter

This blog entry was written by Louis Giberson, Assistant Preparator and museum extraordinaire

"In my short time at the Brooks I have learned countless things. I have learned about handling, installing, packing and crating art objects, to mention a few.

One of the greatest things about my job is shipping and receiving artwork. I get to learn how to construct crates built to international shipping standards and am challenged to craft each crate to precisely fit each work of art. Every time we receive a new shipment of artwork it is like Christmas, filled with excitement and anticipation.

While opening crates for the Masterpieces show, I was awe struck by how beautiful the works of art were. It is one thing to see art in magazines or photographs, and it is completely another to see the work first hand up close and personal. And to be able to personally handle the art is an honor indeed, both a great responsibility and an immense joy."

Wow. I am super jealous of Louis and the entire exhibitions department because they truly get a first-hand look at the world's art. Not only this, but in a meeting last week, Kip Peterson, Collections Manager and Registrar, spoke of how they get to take the paintings out of the frame and see them in their natural form! Just hearing that alone makes me so appreciative to work in such a magical institution and super glad i majored in Art History!

Check back soon for more inside secrets and juicy gossip about Louis.